If you are interested in joining one of our committees, please contact the Committee Chair and we will gladly add you to the Committee List of your choice and advise you of the upcoming schedule and events. To contact any of the Committee Chairs or to serve on one of the committees, please call the union office at (631) 761-6907.
Veterans Committee
The TWUVC's primary objective is to assist the TWU's military veterans with needs and challenges arising due to Military Leave Of Absence (MLOA) , and understanding their contractual rights and benefits as written in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Additionally, we share information on legislative issues past and present that directly affect them, their families as well as their quality of life.
Womens Committee
It is the mission of the Transport Workers Working Women’s Committee, hereinafter TWU WWC, to provide support and information to all working women and men. To ensure equal pay for equal work; to empower women to seek leadership positions within their union as well as in their communities; to further the cause of all workers, female and male and to elevate the awareness of working women’s needs both inside and outside the workplace. The TWU WWC also works to bring a greater awareness of the need for physical and mental wellness and to educate and encourage all women on their path to future leadership.